Monday, June 4, 2012

Vitamin C protects against aspirin damage

I have relied on daily laxatives for more than 50 years.
I am working at ways to stay healthy without taking laxatives, but it is a challenge if I want to have a regular bowel movement.
What can you suggest to help me get over my laxative addiction?

You are not actually addicted to laxatives the way someone might be dependent upon strong pain relievers. After decades of regular use, however, your digestive tract may have become “lazy.” Stopping strong stimulant laxatives cold turkey indeed could lead to severe constipation for prolonged periods.
Sugarless gum containing sorbitol or mannitol often can be helpful. Bulking agents such as psyllium, polycarbophil and methylcellulose are a much better choice than stimulant laxatives.

Is it safe to take aspirin at the same time I take my vitamins? Will they counteract each other?

Taking aspirin with vitamin C (100 to 250 mg) might actually be a good idea.
Research has shown that vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can help protect the digestive tract from the irritating effects of aspirin (Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, February 2004; Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, November 2006, Suppl. 5).

It seems that red wasps are the worst! I had my left arm hanging out of the window while waiting on someone to come out of the shopping plaza. The wasp flew up my sleeve without me knowing it. As I drove off, I felt a very bad stinging pain.
I pulled my shirt off, and wow, a red wasp came flying out. It escaped without meeting its maker. I was stung twice. I remembered the onion remedy, but I didn’t apply it until two days later. Voila! It works.

We first heard the idea of applying a freshly cut onion to the site of a wasp or yellow-jacket sting decades ago. When we checked into the basis for it, we discovered research showing that onions have enzymes that break down prostaglandins, the body chemicals that cause pain and swelling.
If someone is experiencing symptoms of a severe allergic reaction such as hives, itching, shortness of breath, feeling faint, swollen throat or tongue, emergency treatment is essential.

I have been plagued with horrible leg cramps at night for years. I read about putting a bar of soap under the bottom sheet to prevent them and used the same bar for three months.
Suddenly I had cramps again for three nights in a row. I read that Ivory soap works best, so I placed a fresh bar at the bottom of the bed, and the cramps went away.

We can’t explain why soap under the sheet helps some people ward off nighttime leg cramps. We have heard from several other readers that the effect can wear off after a few months. Replacing the bar of soap seems to renew the effect.

I am a very active Army physical training instructor. I am 45 years old and have always had a great sex drive until I started taking Crestor six months ago to lower my cholesterol.
My sex drive has totally disappeared. I am unable to maintain an erection and feel tired all the time. It has been causing me a great deal of stress and anguish. Is Crestor causing my erectile dysfunction and libido problems?

Sexual side effects have been reported with some statins, such as lovastatin, pitavastatin (Livalo) and simvastatin. The official prescribing information for Crestor, however, makes no mention of low libido or erectile dysfunction.
There is reason to believe that all statins may have a negative impact on sexual function by lowering testosterone levels (Journal of Sexual Medicine, April 2010). Cholesterol is a building block for testosterone, so it is not surprising that cholesterol-lowering drugs might have an impact on this hormone. Results from French research suggest that such drugs may trigger or worsen erectile dysfunction (Drug Safety, July 2009). Ask your doctor if there’s another way to control cholesterol. If not, a test for testosterone or an ED drug might be helpful.

To prevent foot blisters, cover your feet liberally with antiperspirant. This works great. I think it stops the sweating and decreases friction.

Years ago, a double-blind study was conducted with cadets of the U.S. Military Academy serving as subjects. Some of the cadets used antiperspirant, while others used placebo for three nights prior to a long hike. Only 21 percent of the antiperspirant group developed blisters, compared with 48 percent in the placebo group (Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, August 1998).
Another reader agrees with you: “To avoid blisters, put antiperspirant on your feet. Wear double-layer, wicking socks.”

I was prescribed Fosamax for more than six years and then switched to Actonel for the past three years, along with extra calcium. My doctor was concerned that I was at risk for osteoporosis.
Now my bones are brittle. I suffered stress fractures and broke my thighbone. My doctor wants me to start giving myself Forteo shots. What can you tell me about this drug or other ways to combat osteoporosis?

The Food and Drug Administration recently issued a warning about long-term use of drugs like Actonel, Boniva, Fosamax and Reclast. The agency concluded that these drugs don’t offer increased benefits after three to five years of use (New England Journal of Medicine, May 31).
Swiss researchers have just reported that long-term use of these medications (five years or longer) is linked to atypical femur fractures like the one you experienced (Archives of Internal Medicine online, May).
Forteo works in a completely different way. Side effects may include joint pain, weakness, nausea and muscle cramps

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