Sunday, November 11, 2012

How to stop Viagra revolution - Viagra alternatives

It is known, that previous medical treatments for erectile dysfunction - which can only be called ugly - Viagra is so mach easier and more pleasant to use that It has truly improved the lives of millions of men. But the more important positive effect of the “Viagra revolution” is more likely cultural, not medical. Viagra has managed to do what countless doctors and psychologists have been unable to do for decades: it has finally removed the taboo from the subject of impotence and made it an acceptable topic for discussion - in the media, in the home, and with a doctor.

The importance of this change cannot be over-stated. Before Viagra it, is estimated that for every one man brave enough to actually talk the subject with his doctor, there were tens of others who were still suffering in silence. And though this is still a problem, the situation is changing, and changing fast. In 1997, one year before Viagra's approval by the FDA, 2.8 million men in the USA visited their doctors because of erectile dysfunction problems.

In 1998, with Viagra dominating the media and available for prescription, that number jumped to 4.8 million. I believe the number will continue to climb, though we still have a long way to go before all of the estimated 30 million men in the United Stales with erectile dysfunction will have sought help. Before we go any further, we should discuss terminology.

The term impotence, still prevalent in the media and the culture at large, is no longer used by experts on the subject because of its emotional baggage, which tends to imply loss of power and capabilities far beyond the arena of sexual functioning. Erectile dysfunction is the term used by experts in the field because it more clearly defines the problem.

So ED is out of the closet and recognized as the devastating and widespread health condition it is. Great. And everyone with the condition should get some Viagra and their problems will be solved, right? Wrong.

For while Viagra is an acceptable and fairly effective way to treat ED, it is rarely the best way. Erectile dysfunction is out natural. If you have ED, something is wrong. Something nerds fixing, and Viagra does not fix the problem, it Just enables you to keep doing what it is you want to do (have sex), while the problem slowly gets worse - to the point where the drug may not work anymore.

If your muffler breaks on your car and the racket is so nod that you can't comfortably ride in it any longer, you don't simply turn up the radio and keep driving; you go to a mechanic and get the car fixed. Much more so than your broken muffler, erectile dysfunction is like the dead canary in a coal mine - a warning sign that there is a deeper systemic problem that needs addressing.

Erectile dysfunction can be the first sign of clogged arteries, hypertension, diabetes, and other problems. And while a responsible doctor will examine all patients with ED for these other diseases, too loony do not. This problem is also greatly compounded by the phenomenon of Viagra being in such demand that it is routinely prescribed over the internet by doctors who never set eyes on the patients they are “treating”.

A thriving Viagra black market has also sprung up, with men ordering the drug from Mexico (where it is sold over-the-counter) or from other internet sources, entirely circumventing a physician's approval and allowing life-threatening conditions to go unnoticed.

 A second troubling effect of the Viagra revolution is much less obvious, but may ultimately be even more damaging. As is clear by the media's spin on the story and the fact that men with full sexual function were eager to purchase Viagra on the black market, erections have practically become synonymous with good sex.

Many Jokes about Viagra leave the unmistakable impression that simply popping a Viagra can do wonders for the sex life of perfectly healthy couples! Viagra has even become popular on the club scene, sold for $20 a pill and taken with the drug Ecstasy in a combination called “Sextasy”- a practice that some specialists worry could be causing permanent penile damage.

The truth of the matter is that most mature people find that sex without affection and intimacy gets old pretty fast - no matter how hard the erection. And a pill that creates a limited window of time when an erection can occur tends to force the issue in ways not always in sync with the natural feelings of tender-ness, love, and arousal of the man's partner, leading to emotional strain and conflict.

Sex is meant to be the ultimate consummation of powerful feelings between two people, and that can easily be lost by the wayside when all the focus is on an erection. People have been making love a lot longer than doctors have been prescribing Viagra, and many of them have turned it into an art.

But there is an amazing range of natural substances - some new, some very old - that have been proven successful in treating sexual dysfunction. Some of these herbal alternatives are fairly new discoveries, and some have been popular in other countries, such as China, for years, but remained unknown in the United States until demand for Viagra spilled over into demand for Viagra alternatives. The upshot of all this is that if you have erectile dysfunction, the chances of finding an effective remedy have never been so good.

 It is also vitally important to keep sea in its proper context. The West has become ever more sex crazy in recent years, and we are all barraged by images of sexuality in magazines. in movies and television, and on the internet. More often than not, the goal of these images is to sell you something. And while there is nothing wrong with sexual images, the effect of this constant bombardment is to make as all involuntary initiates into the Cult of Youth, where aging and the difficulties that are associated with it are considered unnatural, to be avoided if at all possible.

The truth is that our sex lives change as we age. Half of American males over the age of forty will be affected by erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives. This extremely high percentage is partially because we are simply living longer, and partially because our diets and lifestyles are much less healthy than they were in the past. Whatever the reason, this number is too high. and most of these men can find natural methods for improving their condition.

There is no reason why older people shouldn't have sex - sex is proven to be physically and mentally beneficial - but at the same time, we don't want seventy-year-old men thinking of themselves twenty-five-year-olds and behaving accordingly. Having too many elderly men eager to put their newly revived physical capabilities to use could lead to increased adultery and even divorce. There is a case of a ninety-four-year old man fathering a child, and while this is great proof that the male reproductive system is never officially too old to work, most would agree that we don't want to see this becoming a regular occurrence.

The point is that we should keep a holistic view of the place of sex in our lives, especially if, thanks to Viagra or the other ED treatments, sex has only recently come back into our lives. Sex is a tremendously powerful force that can bring about great physical pleasure, improved health, and wonderful intimacy and love. But used unwisely. 10 ran wreck homes, destroy relationships, and spread disease.

We can only hope that the other remedies which tend to work hand in hand with the improved overall physical and mental health of the patient, will help to bring about greater understanding of sexuality in your own life, as well as renewed enjoyment of one of the most potentially spiritual of all activities.

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